President’s Message : Hope Springs Eternal
By: Dr. Kayleigh Temple
I don’t think any of us are sad to see 2020 just about in our rearview mirror. I think it goes without saying that we are all looking forward to a fresh start, a new beginning, and a new year. Hope springs eternal! Though it has been a year of unexpected challenges, I hope you can take the time to look back on the year with some gratitude. The profession of dentistry, though somewhat changed, is relatively intact. Our practices are open, and generally seem to be running smoothly. A vaccine is on the horizon. The return to “normal” may at last be upon us. There are so many things to be grateful for as we near the year’s end. After all, we’ve made it this far. This leg of the race is over, but there is still the rest of the marathon to complete.
Gratitude can be tough to find at the end of a long, hard year, especially in the midst of a continued struggle. We may be overpaying for masks, gloves, and cavicide, but we are still able to remain open and provide quality care to our patients. We are still able to get the supplies we need. And our hygienists are now thrilled that they can turn the cavitron back on! Now that we have returned to almost routine practice, I have been pleased to see the dental community coalesce back together. It should also give us peace of mind to see studies validating the efficacy of PPE in our delivery of care as the rates of COVID among dental health care providers remains quite low. This should further revalidate our stance that oral health care is essential and invaluable.
Personally, as I look back on this year, I have many things to be grateful for. First, we had the surprise of unexpected time at home with my toddler at the start of the pandemic. It was a blessing to spend more time with her and make precious memories that I will always look back on and cherish. Second, our family has grown with the birth of our second child in July. There’s nothing more joyful than a new baby! Third, navigating the pandemic with several of you as colleagues and friends helped us all to get through it together. One of the biggest benefits of being a specialist is getting to communicate with so many of our peers on a regular basis. I have certainly enjoyed growing those relationships even more this year. Hope does indeed spring eternal.
So long, 2020! Here’s looking at you, 2021!
Best wishes to all of you for a happy holiday season and a very prosperous new year,